Judy Rigby

Bach Flower Registered Practitioner


“Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us” – Dr Edward Bach, 1936

Although I’ve chosen it to head up this site, the Blue Lotus isn’t included in the 38 flowers, trees and spring water selected by Dr Bach to form his remedy system.  It is though close to my heart, and its symbolism is an apt way of summing up the healing effects the Bach Flower Remedies have on our minds and emotions.  To the people of ancient Egypt, the Blue Lotus was closely associated with the sun and represented rebirth and regeneration.  Every night it descends into the mud, and in the morning it emerges unsullied, and faces the light.

Today, we can use the system of Bach Flower Remedies to raise our spirits, overcome the effects of adversity and stress on our minds and experience a greater lightness of being. In these pages I hope to provide information which will give an insight into the Bach Flower Remedy System and the philosophy of healing which underpins it, with the aim of encouraging its use.  If I can be of help in advising on the use of the remedies as a self-help method, please get in touch.

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